I am a lifelong sinus infection sufferer

by Brenda

For as long as I can remember I have had sinus problems. I was always a sick little kid and as I got older I realized it was always sinus problems. I have learned to stay out of the wind to prevent inflammation of my sinuses. And only recently I learned about omega 3 for sinus infections. I have tried a couple of brands and I really didn't like the fish taste and now from reading on this site I learned to put it in the freezer and if it gets cloudy it's not good. Does anybody have any other remedies to relieve sinus congestion?

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Feb 08, 2010
Sinus Infection
by: Anonymous

I know what you mean about the wind, it kills me. My sinuses clog up with the least bit of wind and sometimes I'm sick for weeks. I used to think I was an outdoors person but with sinus inflammation all the time I'm turning into a house mouse. The sinus pain is too intense and it's not worth it. Wearing a hat helps, but it really doesn't protect the sinuses from the wind.

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